If I waited for someone to come with me, I wasn’t going to go anywhere.”

I began my solo travels back in November of 2015, after a year of debating back and forth of whether I could actually do this, alone. But no matter how many people I spoke to, I felt there was a desire to travel but unwillingness to leave certain comfort zones. The endless restlessness of wanderlust developed for me over time, not overnight. I always loved … Continue reading If I waited for someone to come with me, I wasn’t going to go anywhere.”

Why I chose a life of experiences over things

  This topic comes up in discussion quite often for me, when I explain that I moved to Europe and started my travels with nothing more than a carry on suitcase. “What did you do with all your things?” people ask me. I sold them. I threw them away. I got rid of all my things, because to me- they were just not valuable to … Continue reading Why I chose a life of experiences over things